Search posts

Please use this ( API to access posts searching endpoint

Get parameters

Field Value Remarks
query Search keywords E.g. `how to get followers`
offset Last post offset ID This is only needed when loading posts of the pagination system.
session_id (Optional) ​Access token ID E.g. de25cc16eb00960f076...
page_size ​Total post limit for each request Recommended: 20

Success response

        "code": 200,
        "message": "Results found",
        "data": [
                "id": 72,
                "user_id": 7,
                "text": "how to get more twitter followers",
                "type": "text",
                "replys_count": "0",
                "reposts_count": "0",
                "likes_count": "0",
                "status": "active",
                "thread_id": 0,
                "target": "publication",
                "og_data": "",
                "time": "3 minutes ago",
                "advertising": false,
                "time_raw": "1605783333",
                "og_text": "how to get more twitter followers",
                "og_image": "statics/img/logo.png",
                "url": "http://colibri.loc/thread/72",
                "can_delete": false,
                "media": [],
                "is_owner": false,
                "has_liked": false,
                "has_saved": false,
                "has_reposted": false,
                "owner":{"id": 7, "url": "http://colibri.loc/@dan_kassing", "avatar": "http://colibri.loc/upload/default/avatar.png",…},
                "offset_id": 72

Error responses

        "code": 204,
        "message": "No data found",
        "data": []

        "code": 400,
        "message": "The search term is invalid or missing",
        "data": []